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Elevate and Enrich the Spirit

CigoL Architecture is a firm based in Los Angeles, California whose core belief is to put you, the client, first by creating an environment of comfort, collaboration, and excitement.

CigoL believes that great architecture elevates and enriches the spirit. So much of one's life is spent in the built environment and bad versus good architecture is the difference between an empty calorie snack and a meal packed with rich flavors and nutrition.

It is through collaboration, careful consideration and creativity that we arrive at engaging designs. We believe that strong architecture balances the pragmatic, sustainability measures, aesthetics and meaning.

modern residential architect
Expertise & Guidance

We know that the pursuit of designing and constructing a project can be daunting for a client particularly if it is their first experience. Along with tremendous excitement invariably comes tremendous concerns. We believe knowledge and understanding are key to overcoming trepidation and are the foundations for moving forward with confidence in an organized fashion that supports effective decision making. 

The design process is one of dialogue between the client and architect where ideas are meant to be engaging and will spur on new ideas. CigoL provides a framework so the partnership can assess their ideas, create a hierarchy, and make sure the important ideas float to the top.  When the strong “guiding" principles are identified it allows for other decisions to be made more easily, based on the hierarchy. We work from broad general ideas early on in the process on to the very specific nitty gritty later in the process.

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